Minotaur Maze

..::THOR::.. Morning Routine Set

Andraus Thor defines himself as “simple mesh carpenter that make nice nightstands on Second Life.” He is not new into this world since he is making those nice nighstands since some several years with great quality. I particular like the attention to the details that sums a lot to the scenes where one want to make a pic.

For my story with Crimea, I was looking for a good set to show a breakfast made at home. And I found the best alternative in the ..::THOR::.. morning routine set. It has a lot of details with the mugs, rolls, bread and other accessories that will help with your setting during your shooting.

Alexus and Crimea enjoying a good breakfast in Second Life. The items of the breakfast belong to the morning set routine by ..::THOR::..

The morning routine set was part of a gacha pack, with 1 ultra-rare item, 1 rare item, and 17 common items. But as you know, gachas are not allowed anymore in Second Life. So you can get the whole pack at Thor’s store. That includes all what you can see below.

..::THOR::.. Morning Routine Gacha Set Key - To Mainstore now!
..::THOR::.. the morning routine set.
If you are like me and prefer to see the product inworld. This is what you can find on the store

You can find more products on the Thor’s store inworld or at marketplace:

